Each collection will have rarity estimates along this distribution.
Sale status loading...

50% Common

25% Uncommon

15% Rare

9% Epic

1% Legendary
how to mint

- 1A
Do you have ETH? If yes...
Bridge your ETH to Arbitrum One.Ensure your wallet is connected to the Ethereum mainnet
Use a bridge to move your ETH, move enough ETH to Arbitrum One to cover the mint fee and gas. We suggest you bridge more than expected.
***You can bridge in your wallet (Metamask, Coinbase wallet, etc) or on the official Abitrum bridge
- 1B
Don"t have ETH?
Buy Ethereum on Arbitrum OneIf you don"t have ETH already, we suggest you purchase it on Arbitrum One for this mint to avoid the bridge fees.
Set your wallet to the Arbitrum One Network and purchase. We suggest you purchase more than expected for mint fee and gas.
- 2
Switch to the Arbitrum One network with your wallet by clicking on the connect wallet button above.
Once you switched to the Arbitrum One network, you will be able to select "Buy" on the item you are trying to mint.
You do not need $ARB token at all.
how to bridge from
ethereum to